Showing posts with label planets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planets. Show all posts

Friday 13 September 2024

Settings: Dido (The Rescue)

The Rescue is a brief story that functions primarily as the introduction to a new companion and arguably doesn’t do much more when taken in isolation. As a result, it’s generally regarded as a middling episode, neither especially weak nor particularly praised, although some reviewers don’t appreciate the minimal nature of the plot – or, perhaps, the basic joke about classic Doctor Who aliens all looking like men in cheap rubber costumes. On the other hand, it was originally proposed as a story in its own right, and, even if it’s slight, it can still work as a scenario outside of the ‘introduction’ theme.

Where & When

The story is set in the year 2493… or at least, that’s when Vicki says she left Earth, and it’s hard to imagine that more than a few months have passed since. It takes place on the planet Dido, a world that is within the bounds of human space at the time, but that the authorities on Earth have never bothered to explore. 

Friday 19 July 2024

Settings: The Sense-Sphere

Continuing with the alternating themes of the first season, we are back to an alien planet with The Sensorites, in the first story to show some of Earth’s future. It is one of the less popular stories of the Hartnell era, with many fans feeling that it’s just too long at six episodes or taking issue with some of the themes of the titular aliens. Having said that, this is not a serial that nobody likes, with a significant minority enjoying the relatively subtle ‘60s sci-fi. In either event, these are not the sort of issues that would get in the way of a scenario based on the story.

Where & When

The story takes place on, and in orbit around, a planet somewhat strangely named the Sense-Sphere. This is at least in the same galaxy as Earth, but beyond the area of space governed/inhabited by humans at whatever the date may be. Maitland states that that is the 28th century but doesn’t give any more precise figure. If one has to pick a specific year, 2764, eight centuries after the broadcast date, is as good as any. Since it is the first story to be explicitly set in the future, rather than on an alien planet with no apparent connection to Earth, the date had, at the time, no larger context of future history to be placed in – it might as well be plucked from thin air.

Friday 21 June 2024

Settings: Marinus

It’s not until the fifth serial of the original series that we have the second story to feature aliens other than the Doctor and Susan. It’s also, of course, our second alien planet, although the new series would take even longer to get around to that. The story The Keys of Marinus has a poor reputation among many older fans, scoring badly in rankings on review aggregator websites. Unusually, however, it seems to be almost universally popular among fans of the modern series who dip into the classic one for the first time, perhaps because of the story structure. Despite being first broadcast in 1964, this resembles a video game and, importantly for our purposes, involves visiting different and varied locations as the protagonists collect the items that they need in order to leave.

Where & When

The story is set on the planet Marinus, which has no known connection to Earth. The world is barely even mentioned again, and never in any context that allows us to date this story. The implication would be that it’s a long way from Earth, probably in a different galaxy, but even that is supposition. Different fan theories and a comic story come up with wildly different answers from the distant past to the distant future. Without any connection to Earth, it honestly doesn’t matter.

Friday 10 May 2024

Settings: Skaro (The Daleks)

The second serial in the TV show’s history is, of course, the one that ensured its survival and first made it big. In many respects, the story has a different version of the titular aliens than appear in any other. I’ve covered Daleks in game terms previously, but here we’re concerned with the setting and story. Specifically, we’re interested in the version of the planet that we see in this particular serial, largely ignoring what will come later. 

Where & When

The story is set on the planet Skaro. The few stories that have attempted to give any hint as to where this might be in relation to Earth generally place it in a different galaxy but all we can say with certainty is that it’s a long way away.

Since the story, taken on its own terms, has no connection with Earth, the date is equally impossible to determine. As one might expect, multiple different theories have been advanced, some placing it very early in Dalek history, before they developed space flight, others in the far future, when a forgotten and degenerate group have been left behind on their home planet, cut off from their fellows. Most go for somewhere in between, often one or two centuries into our future, but it's probably more accurate to say that we just don’t know.