Continuing with the alternating themes of the first season, we are back to an alien planet with
The Sensorites, in the first story to show some of Earth’s future. It is one of the less popular stories of the Hartnell era, with many fans feeling that it’s just too long at six episodes or taking issue with some of the themes of the titular aliens. Having said that, this is not a serial that nobody likes, with a significant minority enjoying the relatively subtle ‘60s sci-fi. In either event, these are not the sort of issues that would get in the way of a scenario based on the story.
Where & When
The story takes place on, and in orbit around, a planet somewhat strangely named the Sense-Sphere. This is at least in the same galaxy as Earth, but beyond the area of space governed/inhabited by humans at whatever the date may be. Maitland states that that is the 28th century but doesn’t give any more precise figure. If one has to pick a specific year, 2764, eight centuries after the broadcast date, is as good as any. Since it is the first story to be explicitly set in the future, rather than on an alien planet with no apparent connection to Earth, the date had, at the time, no larger context of future history to be placed in – it might as well be plucked from thin air.